Human Rights Governance

Stories of Impact

Real IMPACT seeks to build on our company-wide ethos, ambitions, and programs to achieve new horizons of progress — for the benefit of stakeholders across our value chain. It is not a vision to be realized by one team alone but through a network of partnerships and collaborations both within and outside the company. We provide below some stories of the impact-driven work we are leading today that provides a strong foundation for accelerating and expanding Real IMPACT.


Leveraging technology for empowerment in South Africa

Many grassroots, women-led buyback centers, and informal waste workers are frequently unbanked. Between 2021 and 2022, The Coca‑Cola Foundation funded “Project Up”— led by PETCO, a Producer Responsibility Organization in South Africa with extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes for PET bottles and Liquid Board Packaging.

Dignity for Informal Waste Workers

The collection, sorting, and recycling of plastics and other materials involve complex and localized value chains. Informal waste workers are the cornerstone of this work—collecting and sorting up to 60% of recycled plastic waste around the world. In Latin America, The Coca‑Cola Company developed one of the first due diligence programs tailored to the informal waste collection sector.

Partnering to Address Child Labor in Mexico

Our partner in Mexico, PetStar — the world’s largest food-grade PET recycling plant — developed a social inclusion model, “Modelo de Acopio Inclusivo Petstar (MAIP),” focused on respecting human rights and preventing child labor in the collection value chain.

A girl swings as a teacher and students talk and play around her



Empowering Citrus Farmers to Build More Resilient Futures

Brazil is home to the largest citrus sector in the world, with 3 out of 5 cups of orange juice produced in the citrus belt region within São Paulo and Minas Gerais states. Since 2019, we have helped fund the Fruto Resiliente initiative in Brazil to support small citrus farmers struggling to become more resilient and sustainable.

Partnering to Create Large-Scale Change for Migrant Workers and Families

Throughout the year, thousands of seasonal migrant workers and their families travel through Türkiye’s agricultural production areas following the harvest cycle from crop to crop. Often, the children work alongside their migrant parents.



Enhancing Visibility Through the Power of Technology

In a world of increasing migration, we are looking to technology to better address the inherent risks migrant workers face, even before their first day of employment. We partnered with impact technology firm Diginex to develop the diginexLUMEN platform — a new online model of human rights due diligence and ethical recruitment ...

A black man in white t-shirt looks at his phone