Respect for human rights is woven through everything we do at The Coca‐Cola Company. Our program is built to align with the Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. The rights underpinning our commitment are drawn from the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Core Conventions, and other instruments foundational to the dignity of vulnerable stakeholders.
“Our company’s purpose is to refresh the world and make a difference. As a global business, this includes a focus on respecting human rights in our own business, as well as our supply chain. We’re doing our part while working extensively with others because broad collaboration is essential to create lasting changes. We’re committed to acting with speed to address the many changes we continually see around the world.”
James Quincey, Chairman and CEO of The Coca‑Cola Company
The Coca‑Cola Company's human rights program is overseen by our Global Vice President for Human Rights, who reports regularly to the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors. The Global Human Rights department spearheads the Company’s human rights strategy and programs, providing regular updates to the Board on our salient risks, performance, and evolving expectations across our global value chain.
In line with the UN Guiding Principles, we carry out human rights due diligence across our value chain. We regularly assess our key human rights risks to ensure that we are taking sufficient steps to identify and address them and, if needed, to support the remediation of impacts.
- We conducted a global human rights risk assessment
- We conducted a global human rights governance assessment
- We conducted 2,770 audits of supplier facilities